How to update/upgrade VMware vSphere ESXi from zip file

Example on updating and patching vSphere, VMware ESXi 8.0.2 build xxxx to 8.0.3 build xxx on a Dell PowerEdge server. We also followed the same instructions to upgrade vSphere 6.7 to 8.0.3 in one shot.

Typically every 6 months or we reach out to Dell enterprise support (since they are the vendor of the servers we manage and maintain) to make sure servers are up to date with drivers, BIOS and firmware.  We ensure the VMware updates are compatible with the hardware.

Find the appropriate Dell customized zip file from VMware/Broadcom support site and download.

Read the Release Notes.

Download the 8.0.3 build xxxx zip file into your PC.

Connect to the host running ESXi via a browser

Browse the Data Store.

Create a folder to upload the zip file to, and upload it.

Enable SSH to the host from the host itself or through vCenter.

Shutdown all VMs running on host.

Place the host in Maintenance Mode.

SSH to host and login using root.


CD /

Now suppose the name and location of the uploaded zip file is:


In the past we used the vmware images not the customized vendor/Dell images to update, and with that the command to update would look like the following:

esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/SAN1-Vol01/Updates/

But when we tried it with 8.0.3 while using the Dell customized image for the update, we got the following error:

ESXi version change is not allowed using esxcli software vib commands.  Please use a supported method to upgrade ESXi.   

We had to use a different command that included what is called the profile name stored in zip file instead of using vib .

To find out the name of the profile you would type:

esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/SAN1-Vol01/Updates/

Suppose the name of the profile listed is:


The you would type the following to update:

esxcli software profile update -p DEL-ESXi_803.24022510-A00

There are two “-” before the depot= but or some reason the browser is displaying them as one.

After it is finished, scroll up and make sure it says that the update was successful and you need to reboot.

Reboot and once fully up, take out the host of Maintenance Mode and start the VMs.  Stop SSH for security reasons.

Consult VMware and Dell support on your update


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